Repository 14: A Traveling Postcard

My friend Caroline, who runs a fantastic non-profit Traveling Postcards, asked if I would be a featured artist on her web site, and create a postcard to be sent out by her organization. I was honored to be asked, as I think what she is doing is fantastic.In short she facilitates postcards to be sent to other women throughout the world, sending each other messages of hope and support. The postcards travel all over the world including Haiti, Niger, Afghanistan, Uganda, Malawi, Congo as well as North America. Postcards are made and shared in these places too.I encourage anyone to get involved with the project, a postcard is a very small gesture whose message could have great meaning to the recipient. It doesn't take long to do and doesn't really cost much.The card I made was inspired by the artist Paula Modersohn-Becker - an artist that died too young, with an amazing body of brave work for her time. The image is a study of her lips from a self portrait she did in 1907, the year she died.Some inspiring words from her beautiful lips:To struggle for strength. it sounds so dramatic. One does the best one can, and then one goes to bed. And that's how suddenly one day, it becomes evident that one has achieved something. - Paula Modersohn-Becker

20121007-223856.jpgPostcard front

20121007-224435.jpgPostcard back


Repository 15: No Part of Human History Exists Without Art


Repository 13: Collaboration | Egolessness