Dear Matthew Collings, Recently a friend sent a link to a discussion forum where you and her exchanged thoughts about whether painting is dead – you are in the camp of yes, it’s dead, and she in the camp of no it’s not. Simply speaking. Before responding I made sure to see more of your writing and thoughts on the matter. I very much enjoyed your series on the BBC “Rules of Abstraction” – it was a fair and benign…
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Culture is a collection. It is conditions. It is conditional. By definition it requires humanity as an ingredient. So if human intellectual achievement regarded collectively is missing humanity, can we really call it culture? Like the verb to culture, a strong and successful culture is one where you make conditions suitable for growth. By definition it might get dirty in there. If current culture is a collection of hermetic, aseptic and empty “achievements”, I’m guessing this is not a suitable…
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Image from elephant show in Chiang Mai, Thailand, courtesy of elephant-photos.com There’s been a recent slew of articles and missives online reacting to the overflow of and confusing melange of art speak in the art world from artist’s statements to gallery press releases. Somehow there is momentum in this topic, but it’s important to remember that the topic is over 30 years old. Critics such as Robert Hughes reminded us in the 80s that, Jargon, native or imported, is always…
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