What you see depends on what you think – David Bohm As much as we’d like to pigeon language as something that is descriptive and separate from the real thing, it is actually much more than that – words create reality, we hide behind words, and we move mountains with words. A quarter of a century ago (!!) I started listening to public radio – aligned with my time of being a new driver, and therefore having utter freedom…
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Any time you see seeming polarities, look for the greater truth that contains them both. – David Bohm This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending two very different dance productions. On Friday night was a local-premier production by a Toulouse, France-based dance company, Compagnie Maguy Marin titled “Salves”. This troupe was brought to the US by White Bird, a local dance organization. On Sunday I went to a presentation by the Oregon Ballet Theater, the first half was…
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It’s very easy to get dizzy as an artist reading cryptic reviews in Artforum and equally cryptic calls for art proposals, bopping around art blogs, and trying to write generally confusing artists statements. The key to bring clarity to your work, is actually to get out of that world. Clarity is key – one needs to SEE WELL to be well as an artist. So leave the “art”then re-enter it after a heavy dose of learning, observing or doing something…
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