The following essay will appear in the Spring Issue of “Picture Sentence”. It is currently being polished by a thoughtful editor, meanwhile I thought you might enjoy the raw thoughts. Thank you for reading! xo “We need a Ministry of Disturbance, a regulated source of annoyance, a destroyer of routine, an underminer of complacency, or, in other words, a ministry of aesthetic activity.” – Asger Jorns, “The Natural Order” Dear artist: Who are you? What do you do? How do…
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One can draw lines throughout art history from the beginning of modern art to the present day. Each line representing a theme so I’ve been told. One line from Paul Cézanne representing form and structure, the line would pull through the centuries all the way to James Turrell’s formal exploration of light. The second line would pull from the symbolism of Paul Gauguin up to the art of Yinka Shonibare. The third and last line would be tied firmly to…
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I have just completed one of the more exciting little projects I can remember of the past several years. Collaborations with artists are never easy, and I am always contemplating their honesty, their effectiveness, and their power. It requires a dropping of ego, and faith in the process: something rare in the arts and otherwise these days. While I am not ready to share all the delicious details, I will say that I am overwhelmed with the generosity and creativity…
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